Saturday, November 15, 2008

Flashback 20 years or more....

...... to a time when there were very few responsibilities and good memories of Amy Grant's signature sound... and as for me I thought Amy Grant and I were ONE - you know, we do have the same name and all! I can remember taking the hairbrush, occasionally choreographing some moves (scary!), and singing my heart out along with every album that came out - Age to Age, My Father's Eyes, Straight Ahead, Unguarded, Heart in Motion, Behind the Eyes (my least favorite) and Home for Christmas.

The one album I didn't own was "Lead Me On", which this year marked the 20 year anniversary of the tour. I wasn't planning on going, but a friend had extra tickets and so I went at the last minute. I'm so glad I did - it brought back lots of memories of living in Corpus Christi, TX and fun middle schoool days.

Here are some clips from the evening.....

Saturday, November 1, 2008

"House of Light"

Some friends from our bible study class got together at our house last night to pass out candy, tracts, and share our love for God with the trick-0r-treaters! We did face painting, games, and showed our church's VBS Superhero video - we had a BLAST meeting 200+ kids that came! Yes, our neighborhood is famous for getting quite a crowd on Halloween. Here are some photos from last night:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Cost of Diabetes

You know, I realize we have a financial crisis in our country right now, but we have a healthcare crisis that's just as massive -- diabetes.

I read an article about the cost of diabetes this week that someone sent me. Here's the section of article that was overwhelming:

Nearly 24 million Americans, 8 percent of the population, have Type 2 diabetes, which can lead to kidney failure, blindness and heart disease.

Current guidelines say doctors should prescribe metformin (about $30 a month) to lower blood sugar in newly diagnosed patients and urge them to eat healthy food and get more exercise. Other drugs can be added later, on top of metformin, to help patients who don't meet blood sugar goals. The updated guidelines don't include Avandia, which costs about $225 a month.

Dr. Susan Spratt, an endocrinologist at Duke University Medical Center, said she prescribes whatever it takes to lower her patients' future risk of blindness and amputations. That can mean coupling more costly drugs with metformin to hit blood sugar goals.

Okay. This makes me sad at first - knowing that I have family members who are shelling out big bucks for pills and more pills just to manage this disease. However, for $90 - one time - Kathy Smith's Project: YOU Type 2 will help someone "meet their blood sugar goals" with exercise and diet. The American Diabetes Association saw the need for this type of product, and co-produced the program with Beachbody.

I realize lifestyle change is hard. I've had to make some pretty drastic ones due to some digestive issues I developed after a period of poor dietary choices -- BUT it can be done! It can be done with the support of peers cheering you on! This is what excites me --THERE IS A SOLUTION.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fighting Diabetes?

I personally have several family members who have been affected by diabetes and both have had major health issues that are pretty scary to tackle. They are currently on their way to managing this disease through exercise and lifestyle changes. I strongly desire to help them be successful in having a more healthy life. I am SOOOO excited about the new fitness program Beachbody has to offer that does just that!

If you’ve been searching for a way to help get you and your family on the path towards a more active and healthy lifestyle and help reduce the risks of getting type 2 diabetes, keep reading.

Beachbody ‘s Momentum newsletter reports: Every 21 seconds someone is diagnosed with diabetes. The good news is that Beachbody has a fun, easy-to-use lifestyle approach that can help manage type 2 diabetes.
is a brand-new program from one of the most trusted names Kathy Smith’s Project: YOU! Type 2 in health and fitness. This all-in-one healthy solution takes the guesswork out of how to help prevent and control type 2 diabetes by providing an easy-to-follow, step-by-step nutrition plan and exercise program that works for all fitness levels! The Good2Eat! Cookbook will teach you when to eat as well as what to eat. Use the Good2Eat! Mix-and-Match Meal Cards to create your own daily menu from a selection of meals & snacks. The exercise program focuses on the three key elements of fitness—cardio, strength training, and flexibility/relaxation—to help get you moving and see results. There’s even a combined Good2Go! program guide and daily journal, where you can write down your meals, snacks, and workouts to help you stick with the program and track your progress.

Reserve your copy of the only diet and fitness program developed in conjunction with the American Diabetes Association! Preorder now at no coast until it ships!

As a Beachbody club member, you can save 10%, and as a Beachbody Coach, you save 25% off all products! Help get someone you love on the track toward controlling their health by ordering a copy today!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

What's our name?

So, Jim and I are trying to decide on a website name for our new online business with Beachbody. We both believe that the Lord has placed this business before us to provide new avenues to build relationships with people, share Christ with them, and to help them achieve their personal health & fitness goals. Financially, we also believe God has provided this as a way for me to one day be a stay-at-home mom. All this being said, we need your help! We are trying to pick a website name and would love your input.